Trust the Experts
No company knows better than Oak Hall what an integral role graduation regalia plays in the day's ceremonies and festivities. Graduates reaching out to accept diplomas while wearing Oak Hall gowns have graced college commencements
for over 130 years.
Oak Hall At A Glance

I work with Oak Hall year round. They are by far my favorite vendor to work with. The staff is attentive, experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated. I enjoy the fact that I never have to leave a message on a machine and wait for someone to return my call. If the person I am trying to reach is unavailable, there is always someone else ready to help.
Because Oak Hall's focus is on cap and gowns, I have experienced improvements in our overall level of customer service since switching to them. In situations where I have had to order last minute regalia for students or faculty, Oak Hall has been able to resolve the issue and get me what I need by the expected deadline. If you are a school or bookstore thinking of switching to Oak Hall, I would recommend them with strong approval.
Oak Hall has consistently delivered the best quality product on time. Any last-minute needs are taken care of quickly. I know I can call the day before graduation and still get what we need. That peace of mind is invaluable under the stress of commencement.